twisted and warped point of view of this horrible world

twisted and warped point of view of this horrible world

Sunday, January 23, 2011

bored in a state of commonwealth

A goody goody state. Were the people are to nice to even look at a tattooed scary man. Even thou i appear
threatening.... I high am. I grew up to never judge a book by its cover. I dont at least, so why do you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

5th grade-ish.... at the public pool

A nice and sunny day. The summer breeze from the concrete swimming hole tickles the noise hairs. A girl wonders by me that i went to school with. I go to yell intensively at her no for reason what so ever. My mind goes blank. A mist of darkness fills my eyes and my mind goes dull. As i shake my head to look down at the girl crying out loud in extreme pain. I look both directions to see if anyone saw me.......EVERYONE......EVERYONE saw me. I go to blend in with the pool crowd, and pretend nothing happened. The girl didnt show up to school foe the next three days.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

" scars of a lunatic" jan. 12th

so i wrote a book. it's an biography written by me.. ( haha ) anywho, it's all sick and weird stories. everything from huffing napalm, to throwing human waste at my friends. writing from a white trash zero, in a perspective white trash manor. all true. this book is coming out January 12th- ish. so keep an eye out for it. Rosedog books. 88 pages, very short, very simple, very quick, and very disturbing. check it out.. ya heard.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

worst enemy

I hate most people. The ugliness of humanity and disloyalty is all is all I see.
Even thou I am my worst enemy, cause my worst enemy brings it out of me

Accepting my surroundings I adapt to modern society and norms as I sell myself out

A realm of dysfunctional concepts that I alone don’t agree is what I’m about
A section of my soul yearns for basic conventional life. Simple and plan
As another section burning immorality. Hideously ugly without doubt
Battling against my own mind to see the day end
With a unadorned face to avoid confrontation
I lay to an oblivion rest for the next day to
Awake another day for transformation
I arise to accept that………….

Monday, May 10, 2010

a turd to remember

long time ago, i had some complications with my stomach. the steady diet of malt liquor, jim beam and fast food has finally taken a toll on me. i go to see two specialist to tell me that they don't know. i go to see a regular doctor, and he cleans my coaling out. as they sedate me. they insert a tube up my turd cutter, and pinch off a turd to remember. since then....... i'm good?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

a shower of foul dirt and unconsecrated images

Years and years have gone by as i pleasure myself to a lonely rhythm of unconsecrated disgust. I touch myself to an oddly schedule. Every urge i get i rush to my bathroom to fill the tub. For one day i can bath in the dead. Stains of ejaculation puddles cover the thin floor with a odd scene of filth. The jizz matches the porcelain, leaving no distinctive color. Waves of milky semen splash as i stomp into the room. Excitement fills my eyes, like a convict leaves prison. The act of swimming with my dead babies will come to life. I heave my body in mid-air and hover for a mid second. Time has stood still, just for me to enjoy, and remember. All of this hard, and dedicated secretions finally have paid off. My lifeless body slams into the tub. Finally I am submerged in the dead........alone in my loneliness
two in the pink, one in the stink

two in the mud pie, one in the brown eye

two in the gush, one in the tush

two in the curtain, one for the hurting

two for the friend, one for the end

two in cunt, and in the grunt

two in pron, one for the corn

two for the infected yeast, one for the digested yeast

two in the sock, one for the shock

The shocker....... nothing to play around with. use with caution.